This Photo Was My View
a few weeks ago, sitting in the front row at the outdoor stage of Jacob’s Pillow, in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, waiting for the evening’s performance to begin. I knew the brilliant featured dancer (Taylor Stanley of the New York City Ballet), but I had no idea what new pieces they had created with various guest artists. What a show! The dances were daring, magnificent and moving.

The Hush of Expectation
always precedes the start of a program. We settle in, breathe deeply, feel the anticipation, and perhaps slow down from the hustle and bustle of life. What‘s going to happen? What are we going to see or hear? How is it going to make us feel? The stage is empty to begin with and then the action, or dance, or music or speaking starts and we may find ourselves transported.

Set Your Own Stage
I’m writing this is in August and the Dog Days are definitely upon us (with apologies to all the fine dogs out there). It’s HOT! So here’s an idea. How about you sit back and relax? Maybe open up to the wonder and curiosity of what’s coming next. In your life, your work, your family.

Maybe, just for this moment, no pushing is required. Perhaps you can let it be and allow things to unfold. Maybe we’re just players on this Big Stage of life.

All The World’s A Stage
wrote William Shakespeare in the year 1600. That’s 422 years ago! And how much has really changed? Shakespeare went on to say:
“And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and their entrances…”

Exit, Stage Left!
said Snagglepuss, the late, great cartoon character. I’m heading to the beach, and I hope you can, too. Put down that phone and back away…slowly…from your computer screen.

The quickening of the Fall season will be on us soon enough, with its increased schedule demands and busyness. But for right now, it could be the best time to simply…

…take it easy.

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