At the Still Point of the Turning World…

“At the still point of the turning world…” is the first line of a poem by T.S. Elliot (Four Quartets) and it’s in my head as we race towards the winter solstice.

Just When There is Less and Less Light
there seem to be more and more “to-do’s.” Can we all agree that this is a pretty hectic time of year? The pace is frenetic, whether we’re dealing with end-of-year deadlines at work or shopping and holiday-planning deadlines at home (or both). Here we are, spinning ourselves into a tizzy.

But there’s light on the other side of the solstice. One of my lasting memories of growing up in Montréal is the incredible stillness that descended on the city when Christmas finally arrived.

In My Mind’s Eye
the snow is falling, deeply and silently. The big, fat, kind of snow. And even though it’s nighttime, the snow creates a soft white glow. Everything is muffled. Traffic has stopped; it feels like the world has stopped.

Whatever Your Tasks
and whatever you celebrate (or not), I wish you your own still point. A place and time of peace and relaxation; deep breaths and equanimity. Elliot described it as “surrounded by a grace of sense.” I think of it as a sense of grace. Enjoy. We will all be back on the treadmill soon enough!

From my house to yours, Happy Holidays and a very joyous New Year ahead!

p.s. The still point can also be those perfect moments before you start your presentation. It’s the “between” place: between the gathering in of information and the speaking out of words. Take a beat. Take a breath. Ahhh…