Something About September
Is it the back-to-school/work buzz that’s as familiar as fresh notebooks and crisper air? Or the arrival in Boston of some 350,000 college students for the new academic year? Not to mention the changes in traffic patterns, increased construction and congestion. Yikes!

Capture That Different Feeling
I’m grateful that living in a four-season environment provides this cyclical shift that’s both natural and welcome. Just as the tempo quickens from Summer to Fall, why not use this as the perfect reason to try something new?

Change It Up #1
With Work from Home (WFH) meeting Back to Office (BTO), we’re looking at new opportunities. For example, clients are talking about the changes in scheduling meetings. When you’re used to back-to-back Zoom or Teams calls, with nothing but a quick stand ‘n stretch between them, that new long walk from the conference room back to your office needs to be accounted for! Can you start a new tradition of ending meetings 5 minutes before the hour?

Change It Up #2
To keep listeners engaged, can you switch around your usual delivery style? Can you introduce a new feature to your weekly meetings? Can you change the usual sequence of your agenda? Here’s an example of playing with chronology instead of the same old/same old.

Today’s Video (1:50)

Happy New Year
Across cultures, there are many variables for different New Year celebrations throughout the year. So “new” might be where your tradition places it. Chinese New Year in the Jan/Feb timeframe; Indian New Year in Spring/Summer; Jewish New Year in the Fall. Consider this your personal invitation to embrace a Happy Communications New Year. Go for it.

Whoa, look at the New You! Lookin’ good. I barely recognize you!

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