Growing Up In Montreal
Thanksgiving wasn’t much of a “thing” in our family. It always seemed like the Canadian version was a knockoff of the American-style, Norman Rockwell, Hallmark original.

Americans had big, noisy gatherings with extended families and groaning boards of overflowing food. We had a quiet family dinner and acknowledged the harvest. OK, I’m exaggerating, but you get the picture.

I Had To Adapt
once I was raising a family in the U.S. Particularly here in Massachusetts, there was a certain pride of place in the whole Plymouth Rock scenario. Though I must admit, I still have never cooked an entire turkey.

An Attitude of Gratitude
You’ve probably heard this phrase, but what does it really mean? I think of it as trying to be grateful on a regular basis for things large and small in my life. Trying to focus on the positive. But hey, we’re communicators! The trick is not to stay silent, but rather to express gratitude and appreciation whenever we can.

Please And Thank You
When I first became a manager, someone advised me that no employee ever hears the words “please” and “thank you” enough. This was, and is, great advice. And this is the perfect time of year to remember the Thanks in Thanksgiving. How many ways can we thank colleagues, team members, clients, vendors?

In Meetings
You know how when you’re on a Zoom/Teams call and you say something and then somebody else says something without ever acknowledging what you have just said? Do you ever think, “Did they even hear me?” Please do not be that person. Please acknowledge what the previous speaker has said.

Thanks, Consuela, I appreciate you bringing up that point. It makes me think of the…

Darnell, you described the most recent marketing trends we’re seeing and I’d like to add…

Building on Jackson’s ideas, I’ll recommend…

In Q&A
When you’re asked a question, saying, “That’s a great question.” to buy time while you’re madly framing your answer has pretty much lost all meaning. (Unless, of course, it’s REALLY a great question.). Try a more personal acknowledgement.

Terry, I want to acknowledge this is definitely a difficult issue we’re looking at.

Sara, your question really cuts to the bone of why we’re…

In Emails
As simple as it sounds, always remember to include at least one “please” or “thank you.” I often close with the phrase “Many thanks.” Consider making your first line one of gratitude; it’s a great way to stand out from the crowd.

Thanks for getting back to me asap.

I appreciate you taking a quick read of this and providing your comments.

Thank you for attending today’s call… I value your follow-up.

Thanks for reviewing this summary.

In Newsletters
Thanks for opening this email! Thanks for reading! Thanks for commenting! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to use this forum! You’re The Best!

Keep It Going
Try and keep the good vibes going, my friends. I know we’re closing in on the end of a difficult year and I know we’re experiencing a lot of fatigue. But here’s my thought: look for the gratitude and share it. We all need a little extra love. And we all deserve it.

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours. I thank you! And appreciate you!

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